Contact Us

Our Hotline Operating Hours:
Mon - Fri : 9:30am - 5:00pm sharp
Sat: 10:00am - 1:30pm
Dial @ +65-8379-0569 or you may drop us an email and we will get back to you.

For order purchase, kindly select your Subject Head as "Purchase Order" before you proceed in online order. Thank you.

* Required


- To place your order, please kindly indicate your purchase item code(s) in the message box before submit. We will send you a confirmation order letter on your selected items, and you will need to respond back to us. 

- For individuals : You may pay either Cash-on-Delivery or Bank Transfer (if you are using courier delivery to your doorstep). Do inform us your payment preference by indicating in the message box.

- For Corporate : You will need to submit your Purchase Order to us with the item codes - Please refer to "How To Order?" page.